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    Friendly Foot


    Friendly Foot Foot Powder係一支高質、有效嘅攀石鞋除臭粉👟攀石鞋氣味難聞嘅原因係細菌滋生,Friendly Foot除臭粉偏酸,可以中和鞋入面偏鹼性嘅汗,防止細菌滋生,由根源防止細菌引起鞋臭!!

    😷因為Friendly Foot係粉末,唔似除臭噴霧,唔會令鞋永收縮或硬化👏呢支粉亦含有茶樹、薰衣草和桉樹有機精華油




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    JUST CLIMB Climbing Tape


    ✋🏻 Climber必備 – Climbing Tape🧗‍♂️

    無論你喺初學者定喺有經驗嘅Climber,Climbing Tape都喺你不可缺失嘅夥伴!可以保護你嘅手指減低受傷嘅機會,仲可以提供關節支撐,提升你嘅攀爬表現!✨

    🔸 膠卷總長度9.14m;寬度38mm
    🔸 超強粘性:確保穩定附著,讓你無懼挑戰
    🔸 耐磨耐用:承受高強度的拉力和摩擦,陪伴你征服每一座高峰
    🔸 舒適性:高品質嘅不會對皮膚造成過多刺激,使用時相對舒適

    💪 唔好等到受傷先後悔! 立刻購買,迎接你的下一次冒險!🧗‍♂️

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    SNAP Snapclimbing Grand plaster 抱石軟墊


    Snap Snapclimbing Grand Plaster is a lightweight and easy to carry bouldering and climbing crash pad, perfect for protecting you from roots and stones!

    The outer part in recycled polyester with TPU coating is very resistant to perforation and abrasion, and at the top there is a very comfortable doormat perfect for cleaning the shoes before starting the block and being able to give 100%!

    The internal padding is in high density Eva foam able to reduce and cushion the impact!

    With its 94 x 60 x 6 cm for 1.7 kg it is really easy to take with you!