A premium chunky chalk, named after the iconic “Fat Boy” bloc in Shek O, Hong Kong, is perfect for climbers who enjoy crushing their projects the way they crush chalk in their hands.
以石澳經典攀石路線 Fat Boy 命名的優質粗粒鎂粉,最適合享受像粉碎挑戰一般,粉碎鎂粉塊的你。
We wanted to celebrate the awesome bouldering problems in Hong Kong, so we named Fat Boy Chunky Chalk after the famous Shek O classic, Kung Hei Fat Boy (sds) V6. Start sitting on the right corner of this large boulder and use big, powerful moves up the variety of cracks and crimps and make your way up to the top!
為了宣揚香港獨特的戶外攀登地點,我們特意參考了經典的石澳攀石路線:Kung Hei Fat Boy (sds) V6 來為我們的 Fat Boy Chunky Chalk 命名。開始的時候坐在這塊巨石的右下角,以大膽、有力的動作征服一道又一道crack,攀登到最高點!