JUST CLIMB Association Limited (簡稱 JUST CLIMB、「我們」) 建議閣下閱讀以下條款和私隱政策:
https://jcshop.hk (簡稱「本網站」) 是由 JUST CLIMB之名義營運。JUST CLIMB Association Limited 是一間在中華人民共和國香港特別行政區經香港公司法註冊成立的有限責任公司。
- 閣下不可在沒有 JUST CLIMB 授權的情況下,下載及複製的資料作任何用途。
- 閣下不可以使用虛假或冒充他人的個人資料進行誤導。閣下應在註冊時選擇安全性較高的的電子郵箱,避免帳戶被盗用或發生不必要的誤會。
- 閣下遞交及確認訂單即表示客戶明白並接受我們的購物條款及細則,遞交及確認方式不限於網上購物平台,亦包括透過電話、電郵、親身確認之訂單。
- 本站亦保留拒絕接受及/或限制訂單的權利,且毋須給予任何解釋。
- JUST CLIMB 重視閣下的私隱,一般情況下,我們不會任何的個人資料,除了閣下:
- 查詢我們服務
- 會員註冊及登入
- 通過電郵、手機短信或親身與我們進行通訊時
- JUST CLIMB 不會向閣下收集任何不必要的個人資料
- JUST CLIMB 不會在未經您明確同意的情況下,將閣下的個人資料交予任何第三方。
- JUST CLIMB 遵守《個人資料(私隱)條例》(香港法例第486章)的要求。在這種情況下,我們將確保我們的工作人員遵守最嚴格的安全標準和保密標準。
- 如因無法控制的原因造成本網站系統無法正常使用,從而導致網上交易無法完成或遺失有關的訊息、記錄等,JUST CLIMB 將不承擔任何責任。
- JUST CLIMB 不會承擔物流意外之賠償,一切索賠均按照物流供應商的規定辦理。
- JUST CLIMB 會盡合理的可能協助處理善後事宜,並努力使閣下減少的經濟損失。
- 凡在本網站購物,均視為閣下同意此聲明。
- 本網站有權隨時修改服務條款。如閣下在已修訂條款生效之後繼續享用本網站信服務,則視為接受服務條款的變動。
- 閱讀此條款和私隱政策代表閣下了解及遵守香港司法管轄區的法律和法規,并同意自行承擔一切違規所帶來的風險和責任。
- 如有任何爭議,JUST CLIMB 將會保留最終決定權。
- 若條款和私隱政策有英文版本和中文版本的不一致,(除非另有說明)請以英文條款為準。
JUST CLIMB Association Limited (known as JUST CLIMB, “We”) recommend you to read these Terms & Conditions and the Privacy Policy below:
https://jcshop.hk ( known as “our website”) is run by the name of JUST CLIMB. JUST CLIMB Association Limited is a registered limited company in HKSAR.
- You cannot download or copy our information for any purpose without JUST
- You cannot use false or others personal information to mislead us. You are recommended to use a much safer email address, to avoid your account being stolen or causing any misunderstanding.
- When you submit/ confirm your order, which means you agree our terms & conditions, not limited to our website, email, phone calling or messages or in person.
- Our website reserves the right to reject and/ or restrict your order without giving you any further notice.
Privacy Policy
- JUST CLIMB values your personal information, under normal situation, we will not collect your information, unless you:
- Enquire our service
- Register or login our membership
- Communicate with us through email, SMS or in person
- JUST CLIMB will not collect your unnecessary personal information.
- JUST CLIMB will not disclose your personal information to any third party without your permission.
JUST CLIMB obeys the requirement of Cap. 486 Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Under this situation, we ensure our staff follows the strictest safety and privacy measures in keeping or collection your personal information.
- If you cannot finish the transaction or lose any message or record due to server breakdown by uncontrollable reasons, JUST CLIMB will not bear any responsibility.
- JUST CLIMB will not bear the consequences of any accidents caused by logistic. All refund will be decided by the logistic company.
- JUST CLIMB will try our best to handle follow-up actions to limit your economic loss suffered by the accidents.
- If you purchase in our website, it refers as you agree with out terms and conditions.
Change of This T&C
- Our website has the right to change the Terms & Conditions. If you still continue to use our services provided by our website after amendment, it automatically describe you as accepting our amended Terms & Conditions.
- Reading this Terms & Conditions means you agree, understand and obey the HKSAR laws and regulations, and you are willing to bear any risks & consequences brought by violations.
- In case of any dispute, JUST CLIMB Association Limited reserves the rights of final decision.
- If there is any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions, (unless otherwise indicated) the English version shall prevail.